lundi 28 février 2011

10 minutes with everything off..

Recently, I was asked to turn off everything for 10 minutes and see what would happen. Surprisingly, I started to read a very interesting book.

I usually never read books, or actually finished one. It really surprised me that I took a book and started to read it. This so call book was called The confessions of Georgia Nicholson.

When I was reading Georgia Nicholson for about an hour, I found different words that I didn’t understand and it made me feel smarter. Also, a couple of them were in different languages like for example schiessenhausen.This word means a place where you poop, Schiesse means poop, and hausen is a house.

The book was really good, also very funny and I recommend it to many people that do not like to read. It was really easy to read because it goes by the time like for example: 8:30 pm, or 5 minutes later and not chapters. Because there is no chapters, it makes the time go by faster and makes you feel like your reading for hours you don’t realise it.

mercredi 16 février 2011

Map Your Valentine a good site?

Google invented this new site just in time before Valentines Day which will help you with some ideas. But is it really a good site? I personally think it is. This can help that special someone remember a specific place and just some last minute ideas.

Some people have troubles with Valentines Day, because it stresses them out with what to buy your partner. With this new site it could just help them out during those rough times. You can decide on the first place you met, or a first date. It could also be a place that reminds you of them. The good part of this new site, is after you decided a place, it sends you to a site where you can send flowers and chocolate. It could be a little surprise for them. It is not something big, but it is very thoughtful, and that is always a good thing.

Also, it doesn’t have to be for Valentines Day, you could just send them a couple of stuff if you just feel like being a good person. You can take this site as an advantage for good occasions, like an anniversary or just to surprise that special someone.

So next time you don’t have any ideas for valentines day, go check out the site and it might just help you win a couple of bonus points and some good ideas for Valentines day. 

mercredi 9 février 2011

The media controls your mind.

I personally think that the media can control people’s mind because they say what's on the news and you want to know all about it. They are the only way we can know what is going on these days.  If you want to knowsomething that is going on somewhere else in the world then you must watch the news or read the newspaper, and that is how they take control of people’s mind: Through television and the newspaper.

The television is the biggest reason why people can’t think for themselves and get their mind controlled. The media is one of the most powerful things these days because they have all the information to everything now. One example of a mind controller is Glenn Beck. He talks with a lot of power, which make it seem like he is right about everything. They listen to him because they can’t think for themselves; they can’t have their own opinion. That is how the television controls people minds. Also, I find if you can’t have your own opinion, you will be easily influenced to do certain bad things in your life, in this case, it would be listening to the nonsense the media says. They don’t really talk about good things that happen, only bad things. That is why it's bringing fear towards people. For example: the more we talk about people being poor, more people will become poor.  

The newspaper isn’t as bad then the television because no one actually read a long article these days. But the newspaper still has the same effect than the television. It still brings fear into people and because of that; people actually believe and go with the medias opinion instead of they're own.

I find if the media started to talk more about good things and not so much about bad things, people won’t be feared anymore. But I'm guessing that bringing fear into people's lives is the whole point of the media taking control of people’s mind.

People that don’t have an opinion on things that they hear on the news or read in the newspaper will be controlled by the media easily. If you have your own opinion on things, you will be able to think for yourself and do what is right and think what is right.