mercredi 4 mai 2011

Bloc Lost

May 2nd was the day of the elections, and it wasn’t a surprise win. The Conservatives won, but it was a bad day for the Bloc. All that Gilles Duceppe wanted was sovereignty and it was definitely not what he got. The separatist party lost a lot of seats in the parliament, and is now down to 4 seats. In the next 4 years, the Bloc won’t be counted as an official party due to the small amount of seats. This is a big disappointment to the Bloc.

I think that the party didn’t win because all they wanted was to become their own country. But no one let them be. They lost a lot of confidence in the Quebecers because of what happened during the elections. But they said that they will try to get their confidence back from the NDP. Sovereignty is as alive as ever. 

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